RoboFont does everything a modern font editor should do, and more!

Editing glyphs

Font Overview
Visualizing a font’s glyph set as a grid of cells or table. Adding and removing glyphs, changing the glyph order.
Glyph Editor
Creating and editing glyph data: contours, components, anchors, guides, layers, images. Highly customizable with extensions!

Organising glyphs

Groups Editor
Creating and editing font-specific glyph groups.
Smart Sets
Filtering glyphs according to search queries or a list of glyph names. Saved together with your user preferences or inside the font.

Spacing & Kerning

Space Center
Adjusting glyph metrics, previewing short text samples.
Kern Center
Creating, editing and previewing font kerning.

Customizing the app

Preferences Window
An interface to configure several types of user preferences.
Preferences Editor
Editing several other configuration values directly.
Using, installing, developing and publishing open-source and commercial extensions.

Mastering fonts

Font Info
Editing several kinds of font metadata.
Features Editor
Writing and editing OpenType features code.
Feature Preview
Previewing OpenType features in a UFO font (using a generated test font).
Generating fonts
Generating OpenType CFF/TTF fonts and additional formats.

Proofing fonts

Test Install
Installing the current font into the system for testing.
DrawBot extension
Creating all kinds of visual font samples in various image formats.

Python Scripting

Scripting Window
Writing Python code to modify fonts and creating your own tools.
Output Window
Viewing text output from scripts, debugging.
Last edited on 01/09/2021