OpenType ↩
The OpenType tab contains information specific to OpenType fonts.
gasp table
The gasp
table contains information about the preferred rasterization techniques to be used when the font is rendered.

The gasp
table consists of a header followed by groupings of ‘gasp’ records.
Use the +/- buttons to add/remove records to/from the table.
gasp record
Each gasp record consists of an integer and a set of flags:
option | description |
rangeMaxPPEM | Upper limit of range, in PPEM. |
Gridfit | Use gridfitting. |
Grayscale | Use grayscale rendering. |
Symmetric Gridfit | Use gridfitting with ClearType symmetric smoothing. Only supported in version 1 gasp. |
Symmetric Smoothing | Use smoothing along multiple axes with ClearType. Only supported in version 1 gasp. |
head table
The head
table gives global information about the font.

option | description |
created | The creation date of the font. |
lowestRecPPEM | Smallest readable size in pixels. Corresponds to the OpenType head table lowestRecPPEM field. |
flags | A list of flags which can be set based on the OpenType specification. Most of these flags are related to TrueType hinting. |
flag | description |
0 | Baseline for font at y=0 . |
1 | Left side-bearing point at x=0 . |
2 | Instructions may depend on point size. |
3 | Force PPEM to integer values for all internal scaler math. |
4 | Instructions may alter advance width. |
11 | Font data is “lossless”. |
12 | Font converted (produce compatible metrics). |
13 | Font optimized for ClearType. |
name table
The name
table contains strings with font naming information, copyright notices, version numbers, etc.
The information contained in the
table can be localized using name records.

option | description |
Preferred Family Name | Preferred family name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 16. |
Preferred Subfamily Name | Preferred subfamily name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 17. |
Compatible Full Name | Compatible full name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 18. |
WWS Family Name | WWS family name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 21. |
WWS Subfamily Name | WWS Subfamily name. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 22. |
Version | Version string. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 5. |
Unique ID | Unique ID string. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 3. |
Description | Description of the font. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 10. |
Sample Text | Sample text. Corresponds to the OpenType name table name ID 20. Recommended |
Name records | A list of name records (see below). This storage area is intended for records that require platform, encoding and/or language localization. |
name records
The name
table may include translations for multiple languages using name records.
Each name record is made of the following attributes:
option | description |
NID | Name ID |
PID | Platform ID |
EID | Encoding ID |
LID | Language ID |
string | A string of characters. |
Use the buttons +/- buttons at the bottom left to add/remove name records.
hhea table
The hhea
table contains information for horizontal layout.

option | description |
Ascender | Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table Ascender field. |
Descender | Descender value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table Descender field. |
LineGap | Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table LineGap field. |
caretSlopeRise | Used to set the slope of the text cursor (rise/run). Use 1 for vertical. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretSlopeRise field. |
caretSlopeRun | Used in conjunction with caretSlopeRise. Use 0 for vertical. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretSlopeRun field. |
caretOffset | The number of units to shift a slanted highlight to produce the best appearance. Set to 0 for non-slanted fonts. Corresponds to the OpenType hhea table caretOffset field. |
vhea table
The vhea
table contains information for vertical layout.

option | description |
vertTypoAscender | Vertical ascender value. Distance from the centerline to the previous line’s descent. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoAscender field. |
vertTypoDescender | Vertical descender value. Distance from the centerline to the next line’s ascent. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoDescender field. |
vertTypoLineGap | Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table vertTypoLineGap field. |
caretSlopeRise | Vertical caret slope rise value. A value of 0 for the rise and a value of 1 for the run specifies a horizontal caret. A value of 1 for the rise and a value of 0 for the run specifies a vertical caret. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretSlopeRise field. |
caretSlopeRun | Vertical caret slope run value. See the caretSlopeRise field. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretSlopeRun field. |
caretOffset | Vertical caret offset value. The number of units to shift a slanted highlight to produce the best appearance. Set to 0 for non-slanted fonts. Corresponds to the OpenType vhea table caretOffset field. |
OS/2 table
The OS/2
table contains a set of metrics and other data that are required in OpenType fonts.

option | description |
usWidthClass | Width class value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWidthClass field. Recommended |
usWeightClass | Weight class value. Must be a positive integer. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWeightClass field. Recommended |
fsSelection | Options: |
achVendID | Four character identifier for the creator of the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table achVendID field. Recommended |
fsType | The allowed type of embedding for the font. Recommended |
ulUnicodeRange | A list of supported Unicode ranges in the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ulUnicodeRange1 , ulUnicodeRange2 , ulUnicodeRange3 and ulUnicodeRange4 fields. Recommended |
ulCodePageRange | A list of supported code page ranges in the font. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ulCodePageRange1 and ulCodePageRange2 fields. Recommended |
sTypoAscender | Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoAscender field. |
sTypoDescender | Descender value. Must be 0 or a negative number. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoDescender field. |
sTypoLineGap | Line gap value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table sTypoLineGap field. Recommended |
usWinAscent | Ascender value. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWinAscent field. |
usWinDescent | Descender value. Must be 0 or a positive number. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table usWinDescent field. |
ySubscriptXSize | Subscript horizontal font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptXSize field. |
ySubscriptYSize | Subscript vertical font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptYSize field. |
ySubscriptXOffset | Subscript x offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptXOffset field. |
ySubscriptYOffset | Subscript y offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySubscriptYOffset field. |
ySuperscriptXSize | Superscript horizontal font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptXSize field. |
ySuperscriptYSize | Superscript vertical font size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptYSize field. |
ySuperscriptXOffset | Superscript x offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptXOffset field. |
ySuperscriptYOffset | Superscript y offset. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table ySuperscriptYOffset field. |
yStrikeoutSize | Strikeout size. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table yStrikeoutSize field. |
yStrikeoutPosition | Strikeout position. Corresponds to the OpenType OS/2 table yStrikeoutPosition field. |
Panose | The Panose classification for the font. |
usWeightClass values
value | description |
100 | Thin |
200 | Extra-light (Ultra-light) |
300 | Light |
400 | Normal (Regular) |
500 | Medium |
600 | Semi-bold (Demi-bold) |
700 | Bold |
800 | Extra-bold (Ultra-bold) |
900 | Black (Heavy) |
usWidthClass values
value | description |
1 | Ultra-condensed |
2 | Extra-condensed |
3 | Condensed |
4 | Semi-condensed |
5 | Medium (normal) |
6 | Semi-expanded |
7 | Expanded |
8 | Extra-expanded |
9 | Ultra-expanded |
fsSelection values
bit | definition | description |
1 | UNDERSCORE | Characters are underscored. |
2 | NEGATIVE | Characters have their foreground and background reversed. |
3 | OUTLINED | Outlined characters. |
4 | STRIKEOUT | Characters are over-struck. |
7 | USE_TYPO_METRICS | Use OS/2 Typo values for ascender, descender, and line gap. |
8 | WWS | Font has name table strings consistent with a weight/width/slope family without requiring the WWS name values. |
9 | OBLIQUE | Font is oblique. |
fsType values
bit | description |
0 | No embedding restrictions |
1 | No embedding |
2 | Only preview and print embedding allowed |
3 | Editable embedding allowed. Additionally, one can choose to allow subsetting and/or only bitmap embedding. |