Standard modules ↩
- os
- shutil
- os.path
- glob
- random
- math
- datetime
- colorsys
- zipfile
- subprocess
- xml.etree.ElementTree
- string
- json
- plistlib
- difflib
- More standard modules
Python comes with batteries included – it has (almost) everything you need out-of-the-box. Distributions of Python include modules from the Python Standard Library, which provide a wide range of tools for common problems in everyday programming – for example file system access, numerical and mathematical functions, unicode text processing, dealing with dates and calendars, reading / writing multiple data formats, serving web pages, generating random numbers, and a lot more.
This page shows selected examples of useful functions available in various standard modules. Follow the links to the official documentation of each module for more information.
The os
module contains functions that deal with the file system.
import os
- os.listdir
Lists the contents of a folder:
>>> os.listdir('/myFolder')
- os.walk
Recursively lists the contents of a folder and all its subfolders:
aFolder = '/myFolder' for path, folders, files in os.walk(aFolder): print(path) print(folders) print(files) print('-'*30)
- os.getcwd
Returns the folder where the current script is running (current working directory):
>>> os.getcwd()
- os.mkdir
Creates a new folder:
newFolder = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test" os.mkdir(newFolder)
- os.makedirs
Creates a folder and all parent folders in a given path:
newFolder2 = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test2/aSubfolder" os.makedirs(newFolder2)
- os.rename
Renames a folder or file:
oldFile = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/image.png" newFile = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/imageNew.png" os.rename(oldFile, newFile)
- os.remove
Removes a file:
filePath = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test3/image.png" os.remove(filePath)
- os.rmdir
Removes an empty folder:
To remove a folder and everything inside it, use
(see below).
The shutil
module offers functions to copy and remove collections of files.
import shutil
- copytree
Copies a folder and all its contents to a given path, creating missing parent folders.
srcFolder = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test1" dstFolder = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/backup/test1" shutil.copytree(srcFolder, dstFolder)
- rmtree
Delete a folder and all its contents.
The os.path
module contains functions for manipulating file and folder names.
- os.path.exists
Checks if a file or folder exists, returns a bool:
>>> os.path.exists('/myFile.png')
- os.path.basename
Returns the file name for a given path, without the parent folder:
>>> filePath = "/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test3/image.png" >>> os.path.basename(filePath)
- os.path.dirname
Returns the parent folder for a given file path:
- os.path.split
Splits a given file path into parent folder and file name:
folder, fileName = os.path.split(filePath)
- os.path.splitext
Splits a file path into root and extension:
>>> os.path.splitext(filePath)
('/Users/myUsername/Desktop/test3/image', '.png')
The glob
module finds all file or folder names matching a specified pattern.
The example script below returns a list of all UFO files in a given folder:
>>> import glob
>>> glob.glob('/aFolder/*.ufo')
The random
module provides functions to generate pseudo-random numbers, make random choices, etc.
from random import random, randint, choice # ... etc.
- random
Returns a random
:>>> for i in range(5): ... random()
0.1440220412035288 0.6030806336013335 0.23406747728785426 0.12986516342850718 0.5555918432876255
- randint
Returns a random
between two given integers:>>> for i in range(5): ... randint(10, 70)
17 59 27 40 34
- uniform
Returns a random
between two given numbers:>>> for i in range(5): ... uniform(0.2, 12)
9.377996146219418 11.67729261822652 9.499059365948389 5.330554497768862 8.164767529218107
- choice
Returns one randomly selected item from a given list.
>>> fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'lemon', 'strawberry'] >>> for i in range(5): ... choice(fruits)
lemon banana strawberry orange orange
- shuffle
Shuffles the items of a given list in place.
for i in range(5): shuffle(fruits) print(fruits
['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon', 'strawberry'] ['strawberry', 'lemon', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'] ['apple', 'lemon', 'strawberry', 'orange', 'banana'] ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon', 'strawberry'] ['lemon', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'strawberry']
- seed
Initializes the random number generator.
from random import random, seed seed(3) print(random())
The result of this script will always be:
This makes it possible to reproduce random values generated with a script!
The math
module provides several mathematical functions and constants.
from math import *
- sqrt
Returns the square root of a number.
>>> sqrt(81)
- floor
Returns the largest integer which is less than or equal to a given number.
>>> floor(4.80)
- ceil
Returns the smallest integer which is greater than or equal to a given number.
>>> ceil(4.80)
- pi
The mathematical constant π (pi).
>>> from math import pi >>> pi
- sin, cos, tan, etc.
Return the sine, cosine, tangent etc. for a given angle.
The DrawBot script below shows an example of vector math, using
to calculate new coordinates from an origin point, angle and distance.from math import sin, cos x1, y1 = 100, 100 distance = 800 angle = 60 x2 = x1 + distance * sin(radians(angle)) y2 = y1 + distance * cos(radians(angle)) stroke(1, 0, 0) line((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
Here’s another example of vector math, using the trigonometric functions
(hypothenuse) andatan2
(arc tangent) to calculate the distance and angle between two points.from math import hypot, atan2 x1, y1 = 100, 100 x2, y2 = 500, 480 distance = hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) angle = degrees(atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))
- use
to convert angles in degrees to radians - use
to convert angles in radians to degrees
- use
The datetime
module supplies classes for manipulating dates and times.
>>> import datetime
>>> now =
>>> now
2020-03-19 09:19:24.797088
Date objects support a strftime(format)
method to create a string representation of time and date using format codes. For example:
>>> now.strftime("%x %X")
>>> now.strftime("%d %B %Y %H:%M %A")
03/19/2020 09:19:24
19 March 2020 09:19 Thursday 079
See strftime() and strptime() Behavior for the full set of format codes available.
The colorsys
module contains functions to convert color values between different color systems (RGB, YIQ, HLS, HSV).
The DrawBot script below uses colorsys
to produce a range of hues.
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
size(600, 120)
steps = 15
w = width() / steps
x = y = 0
for i in range(steps):
hue = i * 1.0 / steps
R, G, B = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0)
fill(R, G, B)
rect(x, y, w, height())
x += w

The zipfile
module provides tools to create, read, write, append, and list a ZIP file.
- Create a zip file from a given folder
import os from zipfile import ZipFile folder = 'someFolder' zipPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(folder), '') with ZipFile(zipPath, 'w') as myZip: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for fileName in files: filePath = os.path.join(root, fileName) myZip.write(filePath, os.path.relpath(filePath, folder))
- Expand the contents of a zip file into a folder
from zipfile import ZipFile zipPath = '' dstPath = '/someFolder' with ZipFile(zipPath, 'r') as myZip: myZip.extractall(dstPath)
The subprocess
module allows you to run new processes, for example to execute command-line tools from a script.
The script below converts a VFB font to UFO by calling a locally installed vfb2ufo.
import subprocess
cmds = ['/usr/local/bin/vfb2ufo', '/aFolder/myFont.vfb']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output, errors = p.communicate()
The xml.etree.ElementTree
module implements a simple API for parsing and creating XML data.
- Parse an XML file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET xmlPath = '/aFolder/myFont.ufo/glyphs/a.glif' tree = ET.parse(xmlPath)
- Get root tag and attributes
root = tree.getroot() print(root.tag, root.attrib)
glyph {'name': 'a', 'format': '2'}
- Get all children of an element
for child in root: print(child.tag, child.attrib)
advance {'width': '475'} unicode {'hex': '0061'} outline {} lib {}
- Find all children with a given tag
for elem in root.findall('outline'): print(elem.tag)
- Iterate recursively over all sub-trees
for elem in root.iter('point'): print(elem.tag)
- Find element and set a value for an attribute
root.find('advance').attrib['width'] = 700
- Save changes to XML file
The string
module contains some useful lists of characters:
>>> import string
>>> string.ascii_lowercase
>>> string.ascii_uppercase
>>> string.digits
>>> string.punctuation
The json
module provides tools for reading and writing JSON files.
- json.loads
Loads data from a JSON file into a dictionary.
import json jsonPath = 'somedata.json' with open(jsonPath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.loads( print(data)
- json.dumps
Encodes a Python object hierarchy into JSON format.
The example below also saves a
file at a given path.fontinfo = { 'familyName' : 'My Font', 'versionMajor' : 1, 'versionMinor' : 3, 'openTypeNameDesignerURL' : '', } jsonPath = 'fontinfo.json' with open(jsonPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.dumps(fontinfo) f.write(data)
The plistlib
module provides an interface for reading and writing the property list files used by macOS.
Property lists are also used by the UFOUnified Font Object. A cross-platform, cross-application, human-readable, future-proof format for storing font data. format to store various kinds of metadata, for example fontinfo.plist, kerning.plist, groups.plist, etc.
- plistlib.load
Loads data from a
file into a dictionary.import plistlib plistPath = 'somedata.plist' with open(plistPath, 'rb') as f: data = plistlib.load(f) print(data)
- plistlib.dump
Write an object to a
file.fontinfo = { 'familyName' : 'My Font', 'versionMajor' : 1, 'versionMinor' : 3, 'openTypeNameDesignerURL' : '', } plistPath = 'fontinfo.plist' with open(plistPath, 'wb') as f: plistlib.dump(fontinfo, f)
The difflib
module provides classes and functions for comparing sequences. It can be used to show the differences between two versions of a text-based file – such as two .glif
files, as in the example below.
import difflib
glifPath1 = 'myFont1.ufo/glyphs/a.glif'
with open(glifPath1, 'r') as f:
glifSrc1 = f.readlines()
glifPath2 = 'myFont2.ufo/glyphs/a.glif'
with open(glifPath2, 'r') as f:
glifSrc2 = f.readlines()
uniDiff = difflib.unified_diff(glifSrc1, glifSrc2)
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glyph name="a" format="2">
- <advance width="500"/>
+ <advance width="514.9054171954316"/>
<point x="152.70780456852776" y="609.2342163705584" type="line"/>
<point x="65.2954473350253" y="245.02359612944178" type="line"/>
- <point x="334.9054171954316" y="151.91108819796978" type="line"/>
+ <point x="434.9054171954316" y="151.91108819796978" type="line"/>
<point x="423.27093908629433" y="603.8090894670054" type="line"/>
- <lib>
- <dict>
- <key>public.markColor</key>
- <string>0,1,0,1</string>
- </dict>
- </lib>
Several diff modes are available, including an HTML diff with colors.
D = difflib.HtmlDiff()
html = D.make_file(glifSrc1, glifSrc2)

You can use difflib to compute the differences between GLIF files. For example:
import difflib
import vanilla
from mojo.UI import CodeEditor
glyph = CurrentGlyph()
before = glyph.dumpToGLIF()
for contour in glyph:
after = glyph.dumpToGLIF()
D = difflib.Differ()
diff ='\n'), after.split('\n'))
diffText = '\n'.join(diff)
w = vanilla.Window((800, 400), minSize=(300, 400))
w.e = CodeEditor((0, 0, 0, 0), diffText, readOnly=True, lexer="xml")
More standard modules
The Python Standard Library includes many other modules – see the documentation for more information about each module.